The peaceful pill handbook pdf download

January 25, 2022

2022 Edition is Now Available

The 2022 Edition is Now Available from

The Peaceful Pill Handbook book series by Philip Nitschke and Fiona Stewart provides research and information on euthanasia & MAID for the elderly, people who are seriously ill & their family & friends.

The Peaceful Pill Handbook contains 28 chapters on practical topics including drugs, poisons & gases such as nitrogen, including the 3D-printed Sarco euthanasia capsule. Also included is an extensive chapter on the Swiss Assisted Dying services and how to apply for a VAD in Switzerland.

The Peaceful Pill Handbook – 2022 Edition is Now Available from Amazon – presents an argument for why it makes good sense to have an end of life plan, while explaining the legal situation as it applies to countries and their assisted dying laws.

The philosophy of the autonomous self-chosen death is explained within the context of informed decision-making.

The Peaceful Pill eHandbook also covers issues such advance care planning, mental and testamentary capacity, the legal process of autopsies and coronial inquiries as well as what to expect when it’s over.

What our Readers Say

‘I can’t imagine trying to walk this road without this information. My heart and mind are at ease now. Thank you’

‘I think the Peaceful Pill eHandbook is essential for every home believing in a peaceful death – whether terminally ill or not’

‘Thank you from my heart for all the information you share. You are truly quality of life savers, not death dealers.’

Note – this Amazon edition of the print PPH has been modified from the original (available only from Exit International) to ensure it is appropriate for a general adult readership.