General Excise and Use Tax

Use Rev. 2023 form for taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024.

Want to look up a form by its number? Please see our Hawaii Tax Forms (Alphabetical Listing).

The Department of Taxation’s forms and instructions, as well as many brochures, newsletters, and reports are provided as pdf files.

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Viewing and printing forms and instructions, requires Adobe Reader. Download a free Reader by clicking on the “Get Adobe Reader” icon. This links to the Adobe web site, where step-by-step instructions are available. Please review the System Requirements first.

To request a form by mail or fax, you may call our Taxpayer Services Form Request Line at 808-587-4242 or toll-free 1-800-222-3229.

To ensure your privacy, a “Clear Form” button has been placed on all current writable forms. If you are working on a public or a shared computer, after filling out your tax information and printing your form, please click on the “Clear Form” button to clear all tax information from the form.

Hint: If you experience trouble accessing any of the forms on-line, right-click on the link to save the file to your hard drive. Please see our FAQs for assistance, or for more information about pdf files.

Page Last Updated: July 17, 2024