Model Rules on Public Disclosure

As part of the 2005 recodification of the Public Records Act to chapter 42.56 RCW, the Legislature asked the Attorney General to provide guidance to both records requestors and agencies on the public records process by drafting model rules on public disclosure. RCW 42.56.570.

After conducting a 13-city Open Government tour, gathering comments, and holding a public hearing, the Office adopted Model Rules in 2006. Chapter 44-14 WAC. In 2007, again at the Legislature’s directive, and after gathering additional comments, the Office adopted Model Rules for electronic records. In 2018, after gathering additional comments, the Office updated the Model Rules to reflect changes in statutes, laws and technology since 2006-2007.

The Model Rules are non-binding and provide “best practices” for requestors and agencies. Agencies can use the Model Rules to develop their own practices and rules. Local agencies should consider the Model Rules. RCW 42.56.570.

As a reminder, statutes can change and court decisions can impact processing records requests submitted uunder the Public Records Act. The Model Rules were last updated in March 2018, effective April 2, 2018. See links below.

Current Model Rules (effective April 2, 2018)
Model Rules (link to WACs)

Model Rules (PDF)
Note: new language is underlined; deleted language is stricken-through.

Model Rules (Word)
Note: new language is underlined; deleted language is stricken-through.

Chapter 44-14 WAC Model Rules Rulemaking: Copies of all rulemaking proposals and filings with respect to chapter 44-14 WAC are available on the website of the Office of the Code Reviser on the Washington State Register web page.