Bell Dashboard 100 manual

View the manual for the Bell Dashboard 100 here, for free. This manual comes under the category bicycle computers and has been rated by 3 people with an average of a 5.7. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Bell Dashboard 100 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Number of questions: 4 MANUEL DEL RIO VENTAugust 10, 2020

Hello, my cable that connects the wheel sensor to the odometer broke and I would like to know how to repair it. How does the connection of the green cables go?

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Same question Type your response here Add my comment Maureen wardOctober 11, 2023

My tire says 700 x 32 What wheel value is that? Thank you

Same question Type your response here Add my comment FloydFebruary 2, 2024

How do I calibrate dashboard 100

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Dean SmithMay 5, 2024

Can I buy the back battery holder

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Bell Dashboard 100 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Bell Dashboard 100.

The Bell Dashboard 100 is a bicycle computer that provides cyclists with essential data about their rides. Designed to be easy to install and use, this device offers a reliable and convenient way to track various metrics during cycling sessions. The Dashboard 100 features a clear and easy-to-read LCD display, which shows information such as current speed, distance traveled, and time elapsed. Additionally, it offers a clock function, allowing riders to keep track of time while on the road. The device is equipped with a single button, making it simple to toggle between different displays and functions. With its compact and sleek design, the Dashboard 100 can be seamlessly mounted on the handlebars of most bicycles. This ensures that riders can easily view their ride data without any distractions. Furthermore, the device is weather-resistant, so it can withstand various outdoor conditions. While the Dashboard 100 does not have advanced features such as GPS tracking or heart rate monitoring, it provides the basic information that many cyclists require for their everyday rides. This simplicity and ease of use make it a suitable option for beginners or those who prefer a straightforward cycling computer. In summary, the Bell Dashboard 100 is a reliable and user-friendly bicycle computer that offers essential ride data. Its clear display, easy installation, and weather resistance make it a practical choice for cyclists looking for a straightforward and convenient way to track their rides.

ModelDashboard 100
Productbicycle computer
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Bell Dashboard 100 below.

A battery in my bicycle computer has started to corrode. Is the device still safe to use?

The product can still be used safely after proper cleaning. Remove the battery with gloves and clean the battery compartment with a toothbrush and vinegar. After drying, new batteries can be inserted into the device.

What is GPS?

GPS is a system that can be used all over the globe to determine your location by means of satellites.